Thursday, March 6, 2014


In the article "hype''by Kalle lasn. she states that how Advertisments are effecting the world such as Commericals billboards and other commericals even though it's effects population such as global warming.

    In the article ''hype'' one point i  state In the article is that commercials appear everywhere including in tvs subways even in ads such as commercial advertising

    Another point In the article ''hype'' she states is how ads are everywhere even around us. therefore advertisements are being used for commercial.

    third point the author states is how advertisements are being used for ads such as Pepsi and snickers, Including other commercials.

       In conclusion commercials are everywhere  including  advertisements  even though its effects everybody around the society including us therefore commercials ar being used as advertisements therefore such as tv commercials therefore tv commercials are being dumped into north America's collective unconscious therefore ads are being displayed.

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